28 agosto 2008

Angry customers

Angry customers is what anyone in the business fears the most.
They try to get you pleased with the service, hoping you will come back and hoperfully will spend more money the next time.
Just think about the amount of money spent on targeting the advertising of website based business such as amazon and you will soon realize that advertising is almost 50% in some business.
If anything might upset you, you will be refunded or you will be given a voucher for your next purchase.

But in some cases you are a unhappy customer and you are goign to be even less.
Take for example the story of Steven Jetley, a customer of Llloyd's TSB Bank:
[from Neatorama]

Steven Jetley from Shrewsbury, England, had a falling out with Lloyds TSB bank, so he decided to have his password reflect his feelings towards the bank:

A man who chose "Lloyds is pants" as his telephone banking password said he found it had been changed by a member of staff to "no it’s not". [...]

Mr Jetley said he first realised his security password had been changed when a call centre staff member told him his code word did not match with the one on the computer.

"I thought it was actually quite a funny response," he said. "But what really incensed me was when I was told I could not change it back to ‘Lloyds is pants’ because they said it
was not appropriate.

"I asked if it was ‘pants’ they didn’t like, and would ‘Lloyds is rubbish’ do? But they didn’t think so.

"So I tried ‘Barclays is better’ and that didn’t go down too well either.

"The rules seemed to change, and they told me it had to be one word, so I tried ‘censorship’, but they didn’t like that, and then said it had to be no more than six letters long."

1 commento:

  1. That's funny!

    By the way, you'll never guess where I'll be going a week from this Sunday. New... York... City! :P :D LOL! My girlfriend will be visiting from Portugal, and because she's never been to NYC, we've decided to spend 5 days up there. I'm looking forward to it. It's been a long time since I've been to NYC.


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